Sister Partnership
Iglesia Presbiteriana en Lares
Our partnership with La Iglesia Presbiteriana en Lares, Puerto Rico, (IPL) was initiated with the introductions of Pastor Evelyn Torres-Ramírez (IPL) and an elder from (FPC Elmira) in August of 2018. Following the devastation of Hurricane María in September of 2017, the Mission Committee of FPC Elmira felt called to "be the boots on the ground" in service to our Lord. At least one dozen different teams have served from January of 2019 and continue through the present. In that time, several homes have been refurbished and IPL has a new and up-to-date kitchen facility capable of serving hundreds of meals for the congregation and the community. The church also now has solar power, ensuring uninterrupted service during the frequent blackouts. Other efforts have included, but are not limited to various backpack programs, provisions of ladies' undergarments, distribution of Chrome books during the pandemic, and fellowship with the local Home for the Aging. FPC Elmira also has an on-going distribution of products for the elderly and infirmed. There have been two joint services via Zoom, where both congregations enjoyed worship across the miles. The sister churches have established a firm and faithful fellowship together and will continue this relationship into the future.